Stories of hope



Anitha lost her parents when she was very young. She went to live with her aunt in a one-bedroom house, but her aunt struggled to make enough money to support them.



When Suganthi was just twelve years old her mother died, leaving behind five daughters. Her father, upset that he had only daughters and no sons, deserted the family leaving the girls alone.

“Now I am not afraid”


Mary - Co-operative Group member

“Being part of the group has given me financial security. It gave me an incentive to save in times of need. It’s an insurance for me – I don’t have to suffer for money or ask anyone else.

Before, I would go to small debt collectors for money and was constantly in debt. I was scared to go to the bank – I didn’t really understand money and didn’t know what to do. Now I know how to deposit and withdraw money. Now I am not afraid.”