The Beginning

How it all began

Thomas Swaroop founded ACCESS (Association for Community Care, Education and Social Services) in 1992 after witnessing first-hand the terrible cycle of poverty that was trapping quarry workers and their families in North-East Bangalore. Realising that education was key, he came together with friends to help the children of quarry workers.

“I used to go to quarry areas where the workers lived in extreme poverty. They only had shacks with no lighting or water and the children didn’t go to school. I had a dream where local poor and vulnerable children were able to get an education. I wanted to help families to stay together, and for their children to have a brighter future.”

Thomas Swaroop

Thomas Swaroop

Beginning as an awareness raising programme within the quarry worker community, ACCESS quickly grew as Thomas realised the depth of the need amongst Bangalore’s most vulnerable children.  After tireless efforts raising awareness and vital funds, we rented our first property, which became a school, a medical clinic and a home for orphaned children. In time, non-residential centres were also set up around the city.

Over the years our programmes may have changed, but our mission to support Bangalore’s most vulnerable children and their families has only strengthened. Today, in addition to the non-residential centres, ACCESS has its own three floor facility, built to house a primary school and nursery school, women’s training centre, the ACCESS office, and several other community social activities. Last year we directly supported over 700 people through ACCESS’ programmes.

Find out more about our current activities.