The Team



ACCESS is run by a dedicated team of 13 staff, comprised of social workers, teachers, an accountant and maintenance staff. All of those working with ACCESS are from the local community, with many becoming involved after their children enrolled in one of ACCESS’ programmes.

In addition to the core staff team, local volunteers give their time and efforts to help run our programmes. You can find out more about volunteering with ACCESS here.


Thomas swaroop, Director

With a background in Social Work, Thomas founded ACCESS in 1992 after witnessing first-hand the terrible cycle of poverty that was trapping quarry workers and their families in his home city of Bangalore. Whilst also working in disaster relief and child rights work for national and international NGOs, Thomas dedicated his spare time to running ACCESS. Although he has officially “retired”, Thomas still serves as ACCESS’ Director in a voluntary capacity.

Read more about how ACCESS began.



ACCESS is very thankful for our dedicated Board of Trustees who voluntarily give their time to support our work.

  • Mr. Francis Kumar

  • Ms. Noelene C

  • Ms. Julie Devakach

  • Ms. Navaneetham

  • Mr. Babu

  • Ms. Padmini Hastings