
Anitha’s story

“I lost my parents when I was very young. I stay with my aunt in a one-bedroom house. My aunt sells flowers and only makes a small income. We were very poor.

I heard about ACCESS and that there were people willing to help, and I was enrolled in the programme with my sister and brother.

Our lives totally changed. We had health check-ups. We learnt leadership skills. We could go to school because our fees were paid.

We took part in summer clubs. I really loved the clubs, and making new friends.

I didn’t used to know how to express myself. But now I can speak out and be myself. I am able to communicate and give my point of view.

Now I am studying a BCom. I am in first year ACCESS is paying for my fees.

My brother is now in 9th Standard and my sister has finished school and is working for an NGO as a fundraiser.

If I hadn’t become involved in ACCESS, I don’t know what I’d be doing. I would be a drop out, with no hope. After my studies, I’d like to teach those who really need it, but can’t afford it. Just as I was helped, I’d like to help others.”